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Simon. How you doing?
Long time. I saw you up there.
Wanted to say hello.
Actually, I... I tracked you down, okay?
I wanted to apologize.
Robyn and I were talking about things
that happened back at school.
About how I might not
have treated you so well, and...
she wanted me to
bury the hatchet.
Or as you said, let bygones be bygones.
So she wanted you to come.
No. Listen.
I wouldn't be here if I
didn't want to be here.
So I'm here, and I'm
apologizing to you.
- Well?
- Well, what?
You accept my apology?
You see, it's too late for that.
Got it. Okay.
You know, I was willing.
Were you, though?
Yeah. What the fuck
do you think I'm doing here?
See, you're done with the past,
but the past is not done with you.
What? What do you mean by that?
It's a saying.
I know it's a saying,
but what do you mean?
Hey, I asked you a question.
I gave you a chance.
I asked you a question.
Hey, answer the question.
Accept my apology.
I said it's too late for that.
It's too late for you, Gordo.
Look at you.
Now I want you to listen to me.
I want you to understand something.
Leave it. Leave it.
Listen to me. Listen to me.
Who you are is your own fault.
It's got nothing to do with me.
Okay? If you ever come near
me or my family again,
I will destroy you, you understand?
though - chociaż
there - tam
think - myśleć
things - rzeczy
something - coś
willing - skłonny
simon - szymon, szymek
understand - zrozumieć
saying - powiedzenie
robyn - robyn
wanted - chciał
nothing - nic
tracked - śledzone
apologizing - przepraszać
happened - stało się
about - o
apologize - przepraszać
bygones - bygones
answer - Odpowiedź
hello - cześć
accept - zaakceptować
fault - wina
actually - tak właściwie
chance - szansa
family - rodzina
talking - mówić
asked - spytał
gordo - Gordo
apology - przeprosiny
doing - robić
hatchet - topór
school - szkoła
leave - pozostawiać
treated - leczony
question - pytanie
again - jeszcze raz
destroy - zniszczyć
might - moc
listen - słuchać
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Kliknij przycisk plusa, by dodać słowo/zwrot do nauki.
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