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I would like to take a closer look
at your bowls.
- My what?
- Your bowls.
I would like to take a closer
look at your big brass bowls.
- Okay.
- Thank you.
Han Dynasty.
Very rare. Beautiful.
I see you have an eye
for antiques, inspector.
Some here are real
and some are copies.
I'm sure you can tell
which are which.
Second century. Very rare.
One should always handle
an antique vase from the inside.
Otherwise the oil from the hands
can damage the patina.
Oh. Pure alabaster. Lovely.
That's odd. What I did,
I went like this, and then...
This is weird.
Why did you take out
a life-insurance policy on Gluant?
The insurance company won't pay
unless the murderer is caught.
And if it turns out to be me,
they won't pay at all.
Do you understand?
But you stood to gain
from Gluant's death, didn't you?
Gain? What would I gain?
Gluant's share of the restaurants.
Oh, the restaurants
were a disaster.
Gluant was siphoning money out
faster than it came in.
My only consolation was he'd lose
the money gambling in my casino.
But after a while his losses
became so ridiculous,
he promised me his ring
as collateral.
Someone had words
with Gluant
the night before he was killed.
- Didn't you?
- No.
You didn't threaten to break his legs
and then crush him into powder?
Perhaps I saw that on TV.
Well, I can certainly think
of a better place for this.
That's my personalized
cell-phone tone ring.
Yes, this is Inspector--
Yes, I could meet you.
In the restaurant?
Yes, of course. Right away.
Gentlemen, something has come up.
Please excuse me.
ls this vase of great value?
It is a worthless imitation.
But that desk was...
would - by
while - podczas gdy
value - wartość
understand - zrozumieć
threaten - grozić
which - który
think - myśleć
stood - stanął
words - Słowa
share - dzielić
weird - dziwne
ridiculous - śmieszny
restaurant - Restauracja
promised - obiecał
priceless - bezcenny
powder - proszek
please - proszę
place - miejsce
personalized - spersonalizowany
perhaps - może
unless - chyba że
otherwise - w przeciwnym razie
antiques - antyki
dynasty - dynastia
collateral - dodatkowy
right - dobrze
certainly - na pewno
break - Przerwa
restaurants - restauracji
could - mógłby
company - firma
always - zawsze
consolation - pocieszenie
phone - telefon
handle - uchwyt
became - stało się
damage - uszkodzić
night - noc
casino - kasyno
policy - polityka
brass - mosiądz
antique - antyczny
worthless - bezwartościowy
crush - zmiażdżyć
after - po
century - stulecie
copies - kopie
faster - szybciej
gluant - gluant
bowls - kręgle
death - śmierć
beautiful - piękny
someone - ktoś
imitation - imitacja
before - przed
closer - bliższy
murderer - morderca
second - druga
better - lepszy
course - kurs
disaster - katastrofa
great - wspaniały
lovely - śliczny
excuse - pretekst
gambling - hazard
gentlemen - panowie
hands - ręce
something - coś
inside - wewnątrz
caught - złapany
hello - cześć
inspector - inspektor
turns - z kolei
alabaster - alabaster
insurance - Ubezpieczenie
should - powinien
killed - zabity
patina - patyna
losses - straty
thank - podziękować
siphoning - syfonowanie
money - pieniądze
Kliknij słowo lub podświetl zwrot, by zobaczyć jego tłumaczenie.
Kliknij przycisk plusa, by dodać słowo/zwrot do nauki.
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