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Wasn't that your date?
Yes, it was.
He had an emergency.
Come on, I'll take you home.
Hop in.
Oh, no, I wouldn't dream...
- Madeleine doesn't mind, do you?
Are you kidding?
- You see?
- Well...
She's my oldest girl. And she's going
with this boy who rides a motorcycle.
Has hair practically
down to his shoulders...
and I think it's bleached.
And she never talks to me about him,
never brings him in so I can meet him.
- I hardly know what to do.
- You can't tell her not to see him.
- It's like shooting off the starting gun.
- I know.
You know, she's barely 16, and when
he brings her home at night...
they stay outside
for about half an hour, kissing.
Heavens to Betsy!
What will they think of next?
My Veronica, she's 7.
She's so boy crazy, I'm afraid she's
gonna get married before she's 9.
She doesn't care about school.
Only thing she can read are pictures.
Yeah, yeah. Well, Tommy's
almost 9. He can hardly read.
But Jean, who's only 7,
reads better than he does.
I have that in spades.
Louise is 12,
she corrects Rusty's spelling.
Well, Tommy can help
Colleen and Janette with their math...
- ...but he can't read.
- I don't believe this whole conversation.
Did you put something in my sugar?
I have a strange feeling
I'm taking a trip.
- How many kids do you have?
- Ten.
Helen, there's no reason for us
to avoid seeing each other.
Well, I think we certainly
could be friends.
The fact I'm a man and you're a woman
doesn't have anything to do with it.
And then the papa bear
said to the mama bear:
"Who's been sleeping in my bed?"
Oh, come on, drop me off at the exit.
Then you two can work yourselves
up to a wild game of post office.
No, I couldn't do that to you.
Oh, please, daddy, I'd prefer it.
Ten kids?
I'm nervous just sitting next to you.
- Helen.
- Yes?
Why am I pretending? I want to see
you again, and not just to be friends...
and not just to talk about children.
- I want to see you again too, Frank.
- Do you know something else?
In spite of all the aggravation
and the misery and the yelling...
- ...I'm glad I have 10 children.
- And I'm glad I have my eight.
And I'm glad I'm careful.
yourselves - się
yelling - wrzeszczał
whole - cały
woman - kobieta
veronica - veronica
tommy - tommy
their - ich
taking - nabierający
sugar - cukier
strange - dziwne
spite - złość
spelling - pisownia
spades - pik
starting - startowy
something - coś
sleeping - spanie
sitting - posiedzenie
shoulders - ramiona
shooting - strzelanie
school - szkoła
thing - rzecz
rides - przejażdżki
reason - powód
reads - czyta
pretending - udawanie
prefer - woleć
practically - praktycznie
pictures - kino
crazy - zwariowany
could - mógłby
emergency - nagły wypadek
misery - nieszczęście
colleen - kolektor
married - żonaty
motorcycle - motocykl
betsy - Betsy
corrects - poprawia
before - przed
believe - uwierzyć
better - lepszy
daddy - tatuś
please - proszę
madeleine - Madeleine
talks - Rozmowy
again - jeszcze raz
other - inny
about - o
conversation - rozmowa
helen - helen
barely - ledwo
children - dzieci
bleached - bielone
aggravation - pogorszenie
kidding - żartował
almost - prawie
seeing - widzenie
anything - byle co
outside - na zewnątrz
dream - śnić
eight - osiem
nervous - nerwowy
office - gabinet
oldest - najstarszy
certainly - na pewno
frank - szczery
avoid - uniknąć
feeling - uczucie
going - chodzenie
gonna - gonna
hardly - ledwie
think - myśleć
careful - ostrożny
heavens - niebiosa
friends - przyjaciele
kissing - całując
brings - przynosi
afraid - przestraszony
never - nigdy
louise - louise
night - noc
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