Ucz się prawdziwego angielskiego z książek i filmów.

Dodawaj słowa i zwroty, by uczyć się ich i ćwiczyć z innymi uczniami.


Angielska wymowa słowa daddy

  • tata
  • ojciec
  • ojczulek
  • papa
  • papcio

Przykłady z filmów ze słowem Daddy

You made me vouch for Chocolate Daddy! Fifteen thousand units!
Get Him to the Greek - Chocolate Daddy
Oh, God. He's running so fast, just like his daddy.
Minority Report - Run
He sees his daddy. He wants to run to him.
Minority Report - Run
I told them their daddy loved them that much too.
Mystic River - Daddy is a King
And that their daddy would do whatever he had to for those he loved.
Mystic River - Daddy is a King
That can never be wrong, no matter what their daddy had to do.
Mystic River - Daddy is a King
And their daddy will do whatever he has to for those he loves.
Mystic River - Daddy is a King
My daddy told me that his daddy used to work for the Mishida Motorwerks...
Speed Racer - Trixie Meets Speed
My daddy told me that it was a completely crazy thing to do.
Speed Racer - Trixie Meets Speed
How about it? A little leg dance? Come on, Daddy.
Absolutely Anything - Biscuits
- Mommy and daddy are getting it on. - Enough.
Baby Driver - Is He Slow?
- Daddy must have done this! - Ho, ho, ho, ho!
Daddy's Home - It's a Pony!
'cause we don't hit girls in Bomont, do we, daddy?
Footloose - Not Even a Virgin
Hold it together. Just hold it together. - Daddy, he's getting away. Do something.
Shrek Forever After - Do the Roar

Wymowa dźwiękowa słowa Daddy

Wymowa amerykańska

Daddy wymawia Ivy (dziecko, dziewczyna)
Daddy wymawia Joanna (kobieta)
Daddy wymawia Kendra (kobieta)
Daddy wymawia Kimberly (kobieta)
Daddy wymawia Salli (kobieta)
Daddy wymawia Joey (mężczyzna)
Daddy wymawia Justin (dziecko, chłopiec)
Daddy wymawia Matthew (mężczyzna)

Wymowa brytyjska

Daddy wymawia Amy (kobieta)
Daddy wymawia Emma (kobieta)
Daddy wymawia Brian (mężczyzna)

Słowa podobne do słowa Daddy