Ucz się prawdziwego angielskiego z książek i filmów.

Dodawaj słowa i zwroty, by uczyć się ich i ćwiczyć z innymi uczniami.


Angielska wymowa słowa written

  • napisany
  • pisany
  • graficzny
  • piśmienny

Przykłady z filmów ze słowem Written

She is a one of the greatest and most complex character ever written.
You've Got Mail - Very First Zinger
I have here written proof...
Dave - The Whole Truth
A 2-year-old could have written this. All right.
Despicable Me - Bedtime Story
That book was written by a bunch of stupid girls
Mean Girls - Making Things Right
Well, he hasn't written anything for a while,
Mother - Shopping
Well, I've written an entire history for her...
Hitchcock - Only Suggesting Nudity
You are doing a play based on a book that was written 60 years ago
Birdman - Relevant
That was written by Elisabeth Kübler-Ross, Joseph.
Oldboy - Chucky
Tonight is gonna be the best story you've ever written.
Goosebumps - Unhappy Slappy
This woman, Libby, must have written down the first man she could think of.
What a Girl Wants - I'm Your Daughter

Wymowa dźwiękowa słowa Written

Wymowa amerykańska

Written wymawia Ivy (dziecko, dziewczyna)
Written wymawia Joanna (kobieta)
Written wymawia Kendra (kobieta)
Written wymawia Kimberly (kobieta)
Written wymawia Salli (kobieta)
Written wymawia Joey (mężczyzna)
Written wymawia Justin (dziecko, chłopiec)
Written wymawia Matthew (mężczyzna)

Wymowa brytyjska

Written wymawia Amy (kobieta)
Written wymawia Emma (kobieta)
Written wymawia Brian (mężczyzna)