Wake up now, this is the time you've waited for.

Far below, where shadows fester as they grow,

An army thousands strong, obsessed by right and wrong,

They sense their time is coming near.

So they turn towards the light from their region of the night,

Marching on and on,

They near the air, it won't be long.

You know you're on the way out,

It's just a matter of time.

You thought you'd rule the world forever,

Long live the king, and don't spare the loser.

After all, you're not what you thought you were at all.

wrong - errado
where - onde
another - outro
aware - consciente
world - mundo
sense - sentido
fester - fester
approaches - se aproxima
starts - começa
spare - poupar
fight - luta
forever - para sempre
strong - forte
light - luz
extinct - extinto
marching - marcha
escape - escapar
almost - quase
waited - esperou
after - depois de
matter - importam
dreams - sonhos
below - abaixo
coming - chegando
stories - histórias
deadly - mortal
knows - sabe
right - certo
shadow - sombra
thousands - milhares
emerges - emerge
unfeeling - insensível
night - noite
natural - natural
maybe - talvez
obsessed - obcecado
prime - prime
loser - fracassado
until - até
region - região
shadows - sombras
still - ainda
there - há
their - deles
those - essa
thought - pensamento
towards - em direção
untold - incontável
trail - trilha

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