A carved oak table,
Tells a tale
Of times when kings and queens sipped wine from goblets gold,
And the brave would lead their ladies from out of the room
to arbours cool.
A time of valour, and legends born
A time when honour meant much more to a man than life
And the days knew only strife to tell right from wrong
Through lance and sword.
Why, why can we never be sure till we die
Or have killed for an answer,
Why, why do we suffer each race to believe
would - seria
valour - valentia
times - vezes
light - luz
scars - cicatrizes
ladies - senhoras
never - nunca
kings - reis
feeble - fraco
through - através
honour - honra
goblets - copos
floor - chão
answer - responda
believe - acreditam
suffer - sofra
carved - esculpido
because - porque
killed - morto
carving - escultura
brave - bravo
change - mudança
legends - legendas
grander - maior
seems - parece
silver - prata
according - de acordo com
names - nomes
dusty - empoeirado
discarded - quest'ultimo
musty - mofado
panes - painéis
retains - retém
queens - rainhas
right - certo
wrong - errado
sipped - tomou um gole
smells - cheiros
meant - significava
descends - desce
sword - espada
space - espaço
table - mesa
strife - conflito
tarnished - manchada
lance - lança
though - apesar
tells - conta
those - essa
their - deles
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