At my peak

I turn weak

I end up losing hope

In my grief

A relief

I end up losing hope

At the dawn where I began

With a goal and a simple plan

Started walking towards this day

Seeking refuge for my soul

In this empire I control

Full of confidence I've made my way

On my patch, a desire died

Getting bent and set aside

By the bitter fight to survive

Looking back on my every sin

Thinking of what could have been

wrote - escrevi
feeling - sentindo-me
falls - cai
every - cada
disguise - disfarce
looking - olhando
cover - tampa
shame - vergonha
survive - sobreviver
could - poderia
grief - tristeza
aside - a parte, de lado
empire - império
around - por aí
alive - vivo
search - pesquisa
began - começasse
control - ao controle
carry - levar
patch - patch
desire - desejo
refuge - refúgio
fight - luta
atone - expiar
confidence - confiança
bitter - amargo
losing - perdendo
towards - em direção
relief - alívio
seeking - buscando
taking - levando
undermining - minando
simple - simples
started - começado
bound - limite
onward - em diante
state - estado
still - ainda
wanna - quero
walking - caminhando
surrender - entrega
thinking - pensando
getting - obtendo
today - hoje
unable - incapaz
where - onde
winning - ganhando

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