Hostile surroundings

Nourish-less soil

Taking its toll on my pride

Bittersweet feeling

Devouring beast

Eating its way from the inside


Poisoning whatever's on my mind

Denying me to prosper

Closing in on all that lies behind

No use to fight this way

venomous - venimeux
fight - luta
forcing - forçando
eating - comendo
converting - convertendo
despair - desespero
denying - negando
behind - atrás
betrayal - traição
bipolar - bipolar
pride - orgulho
controlling - controlando
feeling - sentindo-me
hostile - hostil
parasite - parasita
beauty - beleza
secrets - segredos
strike - greve
thoughts - pensamentos
bittersweet - agridoce
prosper - prosperar
chorus - coro
surroundings - arredores
devouring - devorando
closing - fechando
ready - pronto
repulsive - repulsivo
inside - dentro
issues - problemas
knowing - sabendo
today - hoje
leaching - lixiviação
sharing - compartilhando
desire - desejo
building - construção
nourish - nutrir
poisoning - envenenamento
regret - arrepender
ripping - rasgando
sleep - dormir
sneaking - furtivamente
hopeless - sem esperança
nothing - nada
suffocate - sufocar
beast - fera
taking - levando
future - futuro
thorn - kliknij słowo lub zaznacz frazę, aby zobaczyć tłumaczenie

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