
(You're a big girl now)

Fully grown with your hormones now

Got your own home and you alone

Wanna bone, wanna moan, get your back blown out

(No more daddy's little girl)

You a big girl now, in a world, where these niggas are foul

You could be aborting the next Michael Jordan

Your man don't wanna be around

(You're a big girl now)

She's sexy, she got it, she ride it

Every nigga wanna be inside it

(No more daddy's little girl)

I need her, I'll eat her

Do anything to please her

My ghetto queen of Sheba

[Verse 1]

I'm the type that'll get you by the fireplace

Get you hype when I lick it, put it in your face

Sipping red wine, is it bedtime

You can kick it with your nigga while we listen to Faith

I'm feeling richer today

I can hit it then stay

Lingerie make me take it to the kitchen and play

We got champagne, whipped cream, I'ma grab a bucket of ice

Bubble bath running, and the candlelight feeling so right

It's your night, no stress, no fight

Mad at your ex, cause his dough tight

Never go right when you're with him

Try your best to forget him

Cause it's easy to please me

CD skip when your head board hit the wall

Call for the law

Right when you cum, I'm biting your tongue

Make your legs cramp up, you can't stand up

You can hit a blunt if you want

I'ma pull my pants up

We can discuss a weekend of lust on top of the trust

Tell me what's the reason for us

yours - sua
world - mundo
while - enquanto
where - onde
weekend - fim de semana
verse - versículo
under - sob
tongue - língua
today - hoje
tight - justa
through - através
trust - confiar em
these - estes
talking - falando
tahoe - tahoe
suggestions - sugestões
sudden - de repente
stressing - estressando
trois - trois
stress - estresse
wonder - maravilha
starting - iniciando
squad - pelotão
sound - som
should - devemos
whipped - açoitado
scuffing -
right - certo
candy - doces
grown - crescido
dumping - dumping
drive - dirigir
biting - mordendo
streets - ruas
depending - dependendo
damage - danificar
faith - fé
running - corrida
board - borda
cramp - cãibra
throw - lançar
listen - ouço
bucket - balde
creaming - creaming
cheap - barato
blown - soprado
thinking - pensando
anything - qualquer coisa
blowjobs - blowjobs
never - nunca
wanna - quero
start - começar
pants - calça
wearing - vestindo
dodge - esquivar
ghetto - gueto
alone - sozinho
chorus - coro
angle - ângulo
kitchen - cozinha
fault - culpa
every - cada
feeling - sentindo-me
bubble - bolha
breathe - respirar
night - noite
blunt - franco
thing - coisa
bottles - garrafas
girls - meninas
facial - facial
floor - chão
bedtime - horas de dormir
nothing - nada
cause - causa
throwing - jogando
aborting - abortando
dreaming - sonhando
guessing - adivinhação
manage - gerir
lovers - amantes
fight - luta
follow - segue
fireplace - lareira
phone - telefone
champagne - champanhe
complexion - complexion
cream - creme
fondle - acariciar
couch - sofá
richer - mais rico
friends - amigos
sipping - sorvendo
fanned - ventilado
around - por aí
front - frente
gangster - gangster
discuss - discutir
nigga - nigga
getting - obtendo

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