American born, American raised, American made

[Chorus 2X]

My country shitted on me (My country)

She wants to get rid of me (Naw, never)

Cause the things I seen (We know too much)

Cause the things I seen (We seen too much)

[Verse 1 (Nas)]

It was packed on the Ryker's bus

The tight cuffs is holdin' me shackled

The life of a thug caught in the devil's lap

On the streets I was invincible

Cowards would duck at a glimpse if they knew

What my pistol would do, a fuckin' killa

Mothers of dope fiend embarrassin' me

All in front of my friends

In the street smile with no teeth

I never knew daddy, heard he had a 72 caddy

Died in a robbery, can't remember him, was probably 3

Why didn't my folks just die in this society

Why wasn't I a child of a doctor, who left stocks for me

Two little brothers, two sisters, them shortiez gots to eat

Mother's a junkie, she twisted, so all they got is me

I'm the provider, with goals to do much better than my father

Whether through drugs sold, or holdin' revolvers

Blurry visions of dad holdin' me high

It comes to me slowly, the words he would cry

[Repeat Chorus]

[Verse 2 (Millenium Thug)]

It is I that step up

Me that don't give a fuck, you that bold, then it's all over soldier

Hummers and Range's through the desert

Fuck a 20 years, long as we got gas and we got water

years - anos
words - palavras
whether - se
warden - guardião
visit - visita
visions - visões
verse - versículo
twisted - torcido
troopers - troopers
tight - justa
through - através
think - pensar
things - coisas
state - estado
startin - começar
stars - estrelas
soldier - soldado
society - sociedade
smile - sorrir
slowly - lentamente
water - agua
sisters - irmãs
sight - vista
shoes - sapatos
shackled - encadernado
scheme - esquema
swear - jurar
rubble - destroços, pedregulho
wants - quer
robbery - roubo
escape - escapar
drugs - drogas
desert - deserto
every - cada
everything - tudo
crumble - desmoronar
daddy - papai
cowards - covardes
brothers - irmãos
street - rua
pistol - pistola
everyday - todo dia
ducks - patos
country - país
caddy - caddy
closer - mais perto
scribe - escriba
invincible - invencível
doctor - médico
folks - pessoal
clean - limpar \ limpo
bloody - sangrento
homicide - homicídio
debris - detritos
cause - causa
bitch - cadela
goals - metas
billion - bilhão
anywhere - qualquer lugar
bench - banco
dearest - mais caro
yesterday - ontem
repeat - repetir
child - criança
machine - máquina
apart - separados
hummers -
streets - ruas
shitted - cagado
block - quadra
behind - atrás
dollar - dólar
breath - respiração
blurry - embaçado
could - poderia
color - cor
teeth - dentes
broadcast - transmissão
cares - se preocupa
slaves - escravos
comes - vem
major - principal
cuffs - punhos
burnt - queimado
buried - enterrado
business - o negócio
caught - apanhado
american - americano
chest - peito
mommy - mamãe
nobody - ninguém
everytime - toda vez
walls - paredes
remember - lembrar
father - pai
fatigues - cansa-se
fence - cerca
fiend - demônio
gates - portões
revolvers - revólveres

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