Black hoods, cops 'n projects

sewers flooded with foul blockage

The gutter's wild and every child watches

Changin top locks with ripped off hinges

doors kicked off, drunks stag off smirnoff, wipe your beard off

Crippled dope fiends in wheelchairs stare

vision blurry, cus buried deep in they mind are hidden stories

Bet he's a mirror image of that 70's era

finished for the rest of his life, till he fades out

The liquor store workers miss him but then it plays out

so many ways out the hood but no signs say out

Mental slavehouse where gats go off, I show off

niggas up north, prison-ology talk, till they time cut off

You should chill if you short, prepare deep thought

to hit the street again, get it on, get this paper and breathe again

Plan to leave somethin' behind

so your name'll live on, no matter what the game lives on


Lookin' out of my project window

Oh, I feel uninspired

Lookin' out of my project window

Oh, it makes me feel, so tired

Yo, if this piano's the cake then my words are the candles

Light it up, make a wish, and them angels will grant you

Impatient once tried, but in those angels and bamboo

they lit it up, *puff* *puff*, hit it up, *puff*

Now they dismantled, think the whole world is crazy, got a 9

watch where you walk, 2 dollar fine, sign of the times here in New York

world - mundo
witnessed - testemunhado
whole - todo
united - unidos
uninspired - sem inspiração
where - onde
thought - pensamento
teaspoons - colheres de chá
teach - ensinar
street - rua
stories - histórias
starin - starin
stare - olhar fixamente
strings - cordas
speakers - caixas de som
sounded - soou
somebody - alguém
smooth - suave
windows - janelas
signs - sinais
sewers - esgotos
scars - cicatrizes
finished - acabado
black - preto
every - cada
controlled - controlada
those - essa
myself - eu mesmo
prepare - preparar
rules - regras
changin - mudando
quietly - silenciosamente
awake - acordado
watches - relógios
fades - desaparece
downs - baixas
doors - portas
dollar - dólar
drugs - drogas
ahead - adiante
school - escola
locks - fechaduras
goons - goons
girls - meninas
matter - importam
taken - ocupado
comparison - comparação
bamboo - bambu
guitar - violão
angels - anjos
evaluation - avaliação
music - música
become - tornar-se
wrote - escrevi
grant - conceder
again - novamente
medicine - remédio
times - vezes
playgrounds - playgrounds
child - criança
beard - barba
satan - satan
basketball - basquetebol
hidden - escondido
window - janela
brain - cérebro
blockage - bloqueio
wheelchairs - cadeiras de rodas
mental - mental
vision - visão
seventies - années soixante-dix
another - outro
words - palavras
image - imagem
knife - faca
crazy - louco
smirnoff -
razor - navalha
would - seria
heavenly - celestial
courts - tribunais
blurry - embaçado
light - luz
picture - cenário
crippled - aleijado
fiends - demônios
flooded - inundado
fight - luta
brother - irmão
shoes - sapatos
ology - ologia
homework - dever de casa
might - poderia
breathe - respirar
behind - atrás
makes - faz com que
night - noite
stack - pilha
buried - enterrado
think - pensar

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