[Jessica Care Moore]

Global warming between my legs, screams against the waves

Gave birth to thirteen daughters, so now we never run out of water

My skin layered in diamonds and sage

Left alone and confused, forces enslaved by days

Time keeps on whorin us

Ghetto saviors can't keep ignorin us

Flowers and flames, flutes from her fingers

Rifles pointed from her sac

or was it simply a bag of sticks and stones

Either way, she wore a compass on her head

Rains don't stop the grass from turnin red

Her hair was half perm, half dread

We gave up walking in a past-life and so we dance

Arms wrapped around my breath and choked me back to life

A new world wife, reflecting the sun and rolling dice

Symbol of the drama yet to come - too late to run

Time travelling was late

wrote - escrevi
writing - escrevendo
words - palavras
watching - assistindo
warming - aquecimento
walking - caminhando
twisted - torcido
trust - confiar em
travelling - viajando
tongues - línguas
thirteen - treze
taste - gosto
their - deles
symbol - símbolo
sweet - doce
still - ainda
sticks - varas
stayed - fiquei
stars - estrelas
layered - em camadas
fingers - dedos
enslaved - escravizado
dreams - sonhos
laced - atado
nooses - nooses
despite - apesar de
demon - demônio
seeds - sementes
dance - dança
remember - lembrar
curse - maldição
yeast - fermento
water - agua
between - entre
angel - anjo
truth - verdade
forces - forças
cutting - corte
against - contra
grass - grama
earth - Terra
moore - moore
bones - ossos
reflecting - refletindo
blessings - bênçãos
screams - gritos
electronic - eletrônico
world - mundo
belly - barriga
reason - razão
flames - chamas
dread - temerar
destiny - destino
future - futuro
shepherds - pastores
damage - danificar
flowers - flores
blind - cego
choked - sufocado
bread - pão
loose - solto
chose - escolheu
compass - bússola
fermented - fermentado
global - global
breath - respiração
count - contagem
broke - quebrou
catch - pegar
weapons - armas
rolling - rolando
worth - que vale a pena
alone - sozinho
smile - sorrir
first - primeiro
saviors - salvadores
assets - ativos
diamonds - diamantes
mental - mental
birth - nascimento
gates - portões
confused - confuso
drama - drama
turnin - ligar
books - livros
realize - perceber
telepathically - telepaticamente
cervix - colo do útero
jessica - jessica
around - por aí
front - frente
shoes - sapatos
haste - pressa
humanity - humanidade
stones - pedras
named - nomeado
wrapped - embrulhado
hustlers - prostitutas
keeps - mantém
inside - dentro

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