(feat. Jessica Care Moore, Rich Nice)

[Rich Nice]

What's happenin brothers and sisters?

Welcome to our time

[Jessica Care Moore]

Afro-Angels hide my weapons in tangles

Black Star Spangled, fragile like hematite with the East oils I write

Despite the lack of sunlight, got my battle boots tight

Now that the government's gone, can't tell your left from your right

Winged assassins laughin while the New World's collapsin

Mother Earth's ribs crashed in, armed with cowries, I'm blastin

As the Earth rebels my womb swells

The birth of Black Magic, savin my people force of habit

yellow - amarelo
wishes - desejos
winged - ailé
welcome - bem vinda
twisted - torcido
tangles - emaranhados
story - história
spiritually - espiritualmente
search - pesquisa
runnin - correndo
recreating - recriando
rebels - rebeldes
pregnant - grávida
stitches - pontos
predict - prever
witches - bruxas
pills - pílulas
people - pessoas
while - enquanto
outlawed - proibido
weapons - armas
oceans - oceanos
young - jovem
never - nunca
swells - incha
moore - moore
desert - deserto
crashed - caiu
crafted - crafted
bombed - bombardeou
summon - convocar
confused - confuso
write - escreva
listed - listado
branded - de marca
holes - buracos
scholars - eruditos
paper - papel
mother - mãe
boots - chuteiras
scrolls - pergaminhos
armed - armado
angels - anjos
ghetto - gueto
rivers - rios
after - depois de
battle - batalha
force - força
spangled - spangled
money - dinheiro
bodies - corpos
becomes - torna-se
assassins - assassinos
hatch - chocar
childbirth - parto
always - sempre
brothers - irmãos
attempt - tentativa
happenin - acontecendo
birth - nascimento
jessica - jessica
magic - magia
despite - apesar de
underground - subterrâneo
power - poder
logged - logado
earth - Terra
between - entre
fertility - fertilidade
goddesses - deusas
savin - savin
embargo - embargo
drink - beber
fourteen - quatorze
killing - matando
fields - campos
fragile - frágil
interpret - interpretar
tight - justa
numbered - numerado
groups - grupos
sisters - irmãs
broccoli - brócolis
habit - hábito
sunlight - luz solar
right - certo
humanity - humanidade
laughin - rindo
black - preto
lifted - levantado

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