
Where them gangsters at?

Where them dumbs at?

Where where them gangsters at?

Where them dumbs at?

Where them gangsters at?

Where them dumbs at?

Where where them gangsters at?

Where them dumbs at?

Where them gangsters at?

Where them dumbs at?

Where where them gangsters at?

Where them dumbs at?

Where them dumbs at?

Where them dumbs at?

Where where them dumbs at?

Where where them dumbs at?


I slow dance with the Devil

Snow setting in the bezzle

Mo' sipping, phantom bumping Aaron Neville

Polo black scented, eyes squinted

Air Force One's, with my own patent in it

Fresher than a star, glowing up in the galaxy

Pagan holidays, are way far from my reality

Far through Evisu jeans, lethal green

Oliver peoples shades when I creep through Queens

With no AKs, I'm the ambassador

Robin Hood in the Aston Mart.

Lotta blood gonna splash in war

Task force homicide, federalies gonna arrest

But y'all ain't never seen nothing

whether - se
where - onde
traffic - [object Object]
taste - gosto
table - mesa
swiftness - rapidez
street - rua
stand - ficar de pé
sprayed - pulverizado
specifically - especificamente
smooth - suave
smoke - fumaça
slaves - escravos
sipping - sorvendo
speech - discurso
scented - perfumada
royce - royce
rolls - rolos
robin - robin
question - questão
pusher - empurrador
proof - prova
printing - impressão
presidents - presidentes
wanna - quero
plasma - plasma
phantom - fantasma
smash - esmagar
dollar - dólar
maybach - maybach
sickest - mais doente
dance - dança
shades - tons
criteria - critério
sparking - provocando
queens - rainhas
could - poderia
close - fechar
squinted - apertou os olhos
circle - círculo
brainiac - Brainiac
dollars - dólares
green - verde
cigars - charutos
glowing - brilhante
chrome - cromada
dangerous - perigoso
chick - pintinho
patrick - patrick
dumbs - burro
fresher - רענן
channel - canal
changed - mudou
wrapped - embrulhado
homicide - homicídio
change - mudança
chances - chances
etiquette - etiqueta
creep - rastejar
dimes - dimes
conglomerate - conglomerado
betcha - betcha
flashing - piscando
ancestors - antepassados
about - sobre
message - mensagem
trick - truque
aaron - aaron
blood - sangue
chorus - coro
ambassador - embaixador
diamonds - diamantes
setting - configuração
bring - trazer
skull - crânio
elbows - cotovelos
brains - cérebro
diversified - diversificado
devil - diabo
arrest - prender
million - milhão
regular - regular
bitch - cadela
bumping - batendo
silencing - silenciando
bridge - ponte
busting - rebentando
bench - banco
ladies - senhoras
chains - correntes
floor - chão
black - preto
force - força
guitar - violão
froze - congelou
first - primeiro
funds - fundos
poltergeist - poltergeist
groom - noivo
splash - splash

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