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Letra e tradução (ao clicar) da música Who killed it - Nas

Who killed it - Nas

Letras de músicas
palavras para memorizar

Look here 'Sheed

Pretty Mike shanked Two Face Al, over some gal

Found the body dead in the isles

Death by strangulation, microphone cord, a dirty broad

Tell Shaniro play it again Sham, damn, that was my jam

Now she's on the lam, she made it out wit' two hundred grand

What a scam! While these two compete on who's the star of the show

Golden Legs there makes off wit' the dough

I read the paper there wit' Joe the Butcher

He says "one glance is all it took ya" she's a real looker

They say her old man's a bootlegger, transport in any weather

And at this rate we'll never get her

Fellas, think it's time I call it a night

All this talk of mystery dames gettin' me tight

Thought I saw her in my eyesight, right

Hate to spoil the party, what are you guys havin'?

The same? Waiter, another round for the gang

It's strange how I always felt out of place

Joe the Butcher's my ace, but in comes Freckleface

So I said "see ya later"

Before I hurt him and his two ugly thumb breakers

He met them in Louisiana wrestlin' gators

An idiot can tell they're involved in the caper

So I pulled the revolver out my waist up

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