Born to the false world the wanderer

Storyteller the pied piper

On a quest for immortality

Gathering a troop to find the fantasy

Lead by a maid queen of the night

Voice of angel such a divine sight

An amazon to fight and cure

This reality with her feline lure

Patriotic to the promised land

Of never-waking dream

Nightquest a quest not for the past

But for tomorrow to make it last

Simply the best way to walk this life

Hand in hand with a dreamer's mind

Enter the realm don't stay awake

The dreams remain they only break

Forget the task enjoy the ride

And follow us into the night

A merry minstrel with his fingers fast

Playing his lute charming every lass

Joins the troop with a glitter in his eye

wizard - bruxo
tomorrow - amanhã
sleep - dormir
shall - deve
rhythm - ritmo
remain - permanecer
white - branco
realm - reino
sirens - sirenes
reality - realidade
queen - rainha
promised - prometido
power - poder
playing - jogando
quest - busca
enter - entrar
every - cada
enemies - inimigos
follow - segue
world - mundo
dream - sonhe
waking - acordando
gallantry - galanteria
voice - voz
divine - divino
fingers - dedos
depart - partida
wanderers - vagabundos
joins - junta-se
angel - anjo
followed - seguido
charming - encantador
silent - silencioso
false - falso
black - preto
challenge - desafio
storyteller - contador de histórias
amazon - amazon
guidance - orientação
eldest - mais velho
begin - início
dreams - sonhos
heart - coração
emptiness - vazio
glitter - brilho
break - pausa
warrior - guerreiro
feline - felino
piper - piper
awake - acordado
fight - luta
first - primeiro
sight - vista
forget - esqueço
gathering - reunindo
enjoy - apreciar
guardians - guardiões
wanderer - vagabundo
homeland - pátria
halls - salões
immortality - imortalidade
simply - simplesmente
along - ao longo
legions - legiões
mastermind - mente intelectual
merry - alegre
fantasy - fantasia
minstrel - menestrel
troop - tropa
afraid - receoso
never - nunca
night - noite
patriotic - patriótico

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