Once upon a time in a land called Fantasy

17 mountains stood so high.

The sea surrounded them and together they would be

The only thing that ever made u cry

U said the devil told u that another mountain would appear

Everytime somebody broke your heart

He said the sea would 1 day overflow with all your tears,

And love will always leave u lonely

But I say it's only mountains and the sea

Love will conquer if u just believe (oh yeah)

would - seria
together - juntos
thing - coisa
surrounded - cercado
stood - ficou
starvation - fome
overflow - transbordar
nothing - nada
mountains - montanhas
sometimes - as vezes
mountain - montanha
somebody - alguém
hijack - sequestro
despair - desespero
divided - dividido
conquer - conquistar
bobby - bobby
leave - sair
another - outro
devil - diabo
africa - África
happiness - felicidade
tears - lágrimas
believe - acreditam
fantasy - fantasia
always - sempre
appear - aparecer
lonely - solitário
enough - suficiente
guitars - guitarras
broke - quebrou
drums - bateria
everytime - toda vez
called - chamado
girls - meninas
greater - maior
haystack - palheiro
heart - coração

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