Call, call my name

Call it, call my name

Eye heard Ur voice this morning calling gout my name

It had been so long since

Eye heard it that it didn't sound quite the same, no

But it let me know that

my name had never really been spoken b4

B4 the day Eye carried U through the bridal path door

And ever since that day Eye haven't wanted anyone but U

And anybody who really knows me knows the truth

Eye just can't stop writing songs about U

Eye love U so much

Eye just can't wait 2 get my arms around U

And feel Ur touch

If eye don't c U real soon baby girl

Eye might go insane

Eye know it's only been about 3 hours

But Eye love it when U call my name

Eye heard a voice on the news saying people

want 2 stop the war

If they had a love as sweet as

U they'd 4get what they were fighting 4

would - seria
world - mundo
wanted - procurado
touch - tocar
through - através
though - apesar
voice - voz
tempted - tentado
knows - sabe
right - certo
inside - dentro
false - falso
phone - telefone
carried - transportado
heard - ouviu
flaws - falhas
fighting - combate
compare - comparar
night - noite
anybody - qualquer pessoa
calling - ligando
writing - escrevendo
saying - dizendo
another - outro
because - porque
quite - bastante
belonged - pertencia
really - realmente
around - por aí
insane - insano
gives - dá
bridal - nupcial
anyone - alguém
truth - verdade
break - pausa
nothing - nada
hours - horas
lovely - adorável
beauty - beleza
prince - principe
making - fazer
might - poderia
never - nunca
matter - importam
speak - falar
morning - manhã
songs - músicas
pause - pausa
sweet - doce
people - pessoas
spoken - falada
slows - retarda
since - desde a
round - volta
somebody - alguém
steal - roubar
about - sobre
sound - som

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