As down the glen came McAlpines men with their shovels slung behind them
‘Twas in the pub that they drank the sub and up in the spike you’ll find them
They sweated blood and they washed down mud with pints and quarts of beer
And now we’re on the road again with McAlpine’s Fusiliers
I stripped to the skin with Darkie Flynn way down upon the Isle of Grain
Wi’ that horsed Face O’Toole, sure we knew the rule, no money if you stopped for rain.
underneath - por baixo
hydro - hidro
looked - olhou
horse - cavalo
grabbed - agarrou
ganger - capataz
across - através
flynn - flynn
filled - preenchidas
going - indo
spike - espigão
czech - checo
shovels - pás
again - novamente
shoulders - ombros
drank - bebia
navvy - navvy
stripped - despojado
money - dinheiro
quarts - quarts
retort - retorta
behind - atrás
christ - Cristo
called - chamado
blood - sangue
concrete - concreto
pride - orgulho
rough - rude
slung - pendurado
darkie - darkie
nearly - por pouco
washed - lavado
pints - pintas
prayers - orações
reached - atingiu
remember - lembrar
cards - cartões
russian - [object Object]
seared - seared
tough - resistente
short - curto
stairs - escadas
shuddering - estremecendo
worked - trabalhou
stopped - parado
grain - grão
sweat - suor
sweated - transpirava
thames - tamisa
their - deles
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