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Airplane! - I Speak Jive (Pt)

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    Começar a aprender

    Categoria: Movie Scenes
    script de vídeo
    palavras para memorizar

    The radio's all yours now.

    And keep an eye on that number
    three engine gauge, over there.

    It's running a little hot.

    Striker, before we start,
    I'd like to say something.

    I know that right now things
    must look pretty rough up there,

    but if you do what I tell you,
    when I tell you to do it,

    there's no reason why
    you shouldn't have complete confidence

    in your chances to come
    out of this thing alive and in one piece.

    Striker, what kind of weather
    you in up there?

    - Rain.
    - And a little ice.

    And a little ice.

    How's it handling?

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