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- Hello?
- Hello?
Is that you?
You got to be kidding
me and now you call me?
I don't have time for this
I'm gonna be late for work
I'm hanging up. Goodbye, Jeremy
No, no, no
don't hang up, please
Look, I'm in a trunk of a car, okay
I'm trapped, I'm in a box,
I need your help
Why am I not surprised,
The first time we
talk in three months
You drunk dial me?
No, I'm not, I'm not drunk.
I swear to you, Okay?
Somebody dials your number.
I'm in this fucking box
You're on a speaker phone, okay?
Why do I keep getting caught
up in your shit, Jeremy?
this is right where we left off
- The gambling, more gambling
- No, this is not Morgan
Trust me, he would not go this far
Listen to me, please
Do you remember the number?
Remember the number I gave you
in case of an emergency?
- What number? Ben cell number?
- Yes
Yes. You need to find him,
you need to find him
I don't know
what I'm looking for
What does it start with?
I don't know the number by heart.
It was programmed into my phone
Where is your phone,
Jeremy, what's going on?
That's what I'm
trying to figure out, okay
Here's the deal, find the number,
call Ben please
Tell him what's happened
to me,
and then tell them they
need to secure POTUS
In those words, exactly.
Can you do that for me, please?
Yeah, yeah,
Okay, where is it?
My computer, the desk the top,
the top drawer in the folder
I emptied the desk drawers when
you moved out. I, I don't know, Jeremy
Look I don't know how much time I have.
Please, just find the number
Molly, did you get it?
Molly, where are you?
Come on, babe
- There's someone at my window
- What?
words - palavras
where - onde
trying - tentando
trust - confiar em
trunk - tronco
trapped - preso
happened - aconteceu
morgan - morgan
please - por favor
hanging - suspensão
secure - seguro
moved - se mudou
going - indo
gonna - vai
listen - ouço
first - primeiro
remember - lembrar
getting - obtendo
computer - computador
start - começar
surprised - surpreso
drawer - gaveta
heart - coração
phone - telefone
drunk - bêbado
programmed - programado
folder - pasta
would - seria
exactly - exatamente
jeremy - Jeremy
dials - marcadores
fucking - fodendo
drawers - gavetas
goodbye - tchau
potus - potus
looking - olhando
caught - apanhado
hello - Olá
somebody - alguém
someone - alguém
emergency - emergência
emptied - esvaziado
kidding - brincando
speaker - alto falante
window - janela
gambling - jogos de azar
months - meses
figure - figura
number - número
right - certo
swear - jurar
molly - molly
those - essa
three - três
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