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Hey, you mind not
smoking that around me?
Pull up the line.
I found something.
- Pull up the line.
- What?
Everyone, I found something.
What do you got there?
Another clue?
Impressive, Zoey.
- What is it?
- Okay.
- A magnet, of course.
- I'm with you. Okay, okay.
Okay, try it. Try it now.
Stand back.
There she goes.
Zoey, your turn is up.
Right. Sorry.
Oh, shit.
Okay. I'm on the bottom.
No, I'm hooked.
I'm hooked!
All right, I've got something.
I've got something here.
I'm definitely hooked.
Oh, God.
- Nice.
- God, that's heavy.
Okay. Okay, I've got it.
I've got it.
You've got it?
We've got a key or something.
You've got it. Okay.
That's got to
be the key to the door.
- Who thinks of this shit?
- One, two, three.
Okay. One, two, three.
- Okay.
- Shit, that is solid.
Hey, Ben.
We need your lighter.
Oh, yeah, that's a good idea.
What do I get in return?
I won't take
any of your One Direction CDs.
Come on,
just give it, man.
All right,
you want the lighter?
There you go.
- Okay, I'll get it.
- Thanks, Danny.
I don't know.
Man, that is buried
right in the center, isn't it?
Oh, and you're welcome,
by the way.
Thanks a lot.
What was that? What happened?
Where's Danny?
Say something. Where is he?
- He fell through, I...
What do you
mean, he fell through?
He's under the ice!
Danny! Danny! Danny!
All right,
I'm going in after him.
No, no. Hey, there is
a current under there.
Even if you find him,
you will not make it
back to the hole.
Danny, where are you?
He's being dragged
around under there.
- Where did he go?
- Do you see him?
- I can't see him.
- Danny!
Shush, shush, shush! Shush!
where - onde
welcome - bem vinda
through - através
three - três
thinks - acha
thanks - obrigado
something - alguma coisa
solid - sólido
smoking - fumando
stand - ficar de pé
right - certo
return - retorna
lighter - isqueiro
shush - shush
danny - danny
after - depois de
direction - direção
buried - enterrado
another - outro
course - curso
center - centro
hooked - viciado
sorry - desculpa
magnet - magnético
being - ser
bottom - inferior
dragged - arrastada
around - por aí
definitely - definitivamente
everyone - todos
found - encontrado
under - sob
going - indo
happened - aconteceu
there - há
current - atual
heavy - pesado
impressive - impressionante
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