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- Christian.
- Hi.
- Anastasia.
- Hi.
This is Gia Matteo,
the architect.
Gia's a friend of Elliot's.
This location is perfect.
I'm going to build you
a fabulous house.
- I'd like to show Ana inside.
- Of course.
That GQ profile on you...
I love what you're doing in Africa.
Oh, thank you.
Now, let me show you
what I have in mind.
A state-of-the-art,
self-sufficient smart house.
Marine steel,
self-cleaning glass,
a guest wing with an
entertaining area to the west.
And this infinity pool will really
make that view of the Sound.
You wanna tear
the whole house down?
Don't you?
It's so dated.
I like it.
I think it has character.
Well, a new house would be a
statement and ecologically efficient.
I mean, these older places
are so impractical.
It's up to you.
Actually, it's up to my wife.
What she says goes.
- Excuse me.
- Sure.
Hey, Ros.
I suppose we could reuse
some of the existing stone.
Gia. It is Gia, right?
I'm sure you're
very good at what you do.
Otherwise, Christian wouldn't
have asked for your input.
But, please, stop speaking to my
husband as if I weren't here.
Anna...I have designed
many prestige projects.
You may call me Mrs. Grey.
And this is not
a prestige project.
This is gonna be our home.
So, if you want this job,
I suggest you stop making eyes at my
husband and keep your hands to yourself.
Or you can go and climb back into your
shit-colored car and drive back to Seattle.
It's up to you.
Look, I'm sorry, Mrs. Grey,
but I would never...
It won't happen again.
- Everything okay?
- Yeah.
We were just discussing
an alternative approach.
Something less in-your-face.
More respectful.
Sure. Why don't I start over?
yourself - você mesmo
would - seria
whole - todo
wanna - quero
think - pensar
suppose - suponha
suggest - sugerir
sufficient - suficiente
stone - pedra
steel - aço
statement - declaração
these - estes
speaking - falando
smart - inteligente
seattle - Seattle
right - certo
reuse - reuso
really - realmente
projects - projetos
please - por favor
profile - Perfil
places - locais
sorry - desculpa
perfect - perfeito
older - mais velho
ecologically - ecologicamente
drive - dirigir
discussing - discutindo
doing - fazendo
project - projeto
build - construir
designed - projetado
course - curso
could - poderia
cleaning - limpeza
state - estado
respectful - respeitoso
approach - abordagem
friend - amigos
alternative - alternativa
fabulous - fabuloso
africa - África
otherwise - de outra forma
again - novamente
actually - na realidade
happen - acontecer
input - entrada
anastasia - anastasia
matteo -
start - começar
asked - perguntei
christian - cristão
dated - datado
sound - som
existing - existir
character - personagem
efficient - eficiente
house - casa
entertaining - divertido
prestige - prestígio
everything - tudo
marine - marinho
excuse - desculpa
architect - arquiteto
glass - vidro
infinity - infinidade
gonna - vai
climb - escalar
going - indo
guest - convidado
colored - colori
hands - mãos
something - alguma coisa
inside - dentro
making - fazer
husband - marido
thank - obrigado
impractical - impraticável
never - nunca
location - localização
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