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Okay, in flirting situations the key is
making them check you out
without letting them know that you
know that they're checking you out.
It is just like whatever I'm doing me
and when they try to talk to you
you can play it one of three ways.
Dumb, super into it or nasty.
Which way you play it depends on
what kind of guy you're dealing with.
This is like my dream
and my nightmare all at one time.
I'm not gonna take that personally.
Now, hair is everything.
Touch it. Move it.
Play with it.
Move it around a lot.
Hypnotize them with it.
Give me a flip like that.
Okay, now angle your eyes down.
Now, head down.
Tilt up. Eyes big.
- Now sparkle.
- Sparkle?
Like an anime character.
Now sparkle.
Needs work.
Do you really think she likes me?
Why are we still talking about this?
I mean, what if she tries to kiss me?
Then you just kiss her back, man.
What if she tries to kiss me, like...
Like... Like, without warning?
What are you talking about?
Have you ever kissed anyone?
I don't. Dude, you gonna
tell the whole jungle?
Hey, guys. Guys, I found a side door.
Over here.
- Guess what I found.
- No, no, no, don't tell him.
Okay, let's talk about your walk.
Take your time.
Make a meal of it.
Like a gorgeous gazelle.
Or a horse. High-step it.
One foot in front of the other.
And bring it.
That's not it.
Anything you can do to draw attention
to the lips. A nibble like this.
A nibble goes a long way, girlfriend.
Good. That's better.
Now, smile. You look terrified.
Oh, my God, you're so funny.
- You're so funny.
- Oh, my God, you're so funny.
Oh, my God, you're so funny.
I think I'm getting it.
You are getting it. Go, girl.
Now, keep your lips
slightly parted, like... like...
Yeah, not, not gross, just relaxed.
Now touch your tongue to the roof
of your mouth like this.
- Like this?
- Like this.
- Like this?
- Like this.
- Like this.
- Like this?
I think you're ready.
- Cool.
- Okay.
Flirt like our lives depend on it,
because they do.
warning - atenção
tries - tenta
tongue - língua
without - sem
which - qual
think - pensar
terrified - aterrorizado
still - ainda
sparkle - brilhar
really - realmente
ready - pronto
personally - pessoalmente
character - personagem
attention - atenção
gorgeous - linda
situations - situações
doing - fazendo
depends - depende
checking - verificar
angle - ângulo
bring - trazer
gross - bruto
check - verifica
whatever - tanto faz
three - três
anyone - alguém
whole - todo
kissed - beijou
depend - depender
anime - anime
jungle - selva
talking - falando
other - de outros
about - sobre
around - por aí
slightly - levemente
needs - precisa
front - frente
touch - tocar
dealing - lidando
flirting - flertando
parted - separada
lives - vidas
funny - engraçado
girlfriend - amiga
super - super
relaxed - relaxado
likes - gosta
gonna - vai
anything - qualquer coisa
gazelle - gazela
nibble - mordidela
found - encontrado
flirt - flerte
guess - acho
smile - sorrir
nightmare - pesadelo
dream - sonhe
hypnotize - hipnotizar
letting - de locação
better - melhor
getting - obtendo
horse - cavalo
making - fazer
mouth - boca
everything - tudo
because - porque
nasty - desagradável
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