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Margin Call - It's Just Money (Pt)

Cena do filme O Dia Antes do Fim
  • 00:00 / 00:00

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    Começar a aprender

    Categoria: Movie Scenes
    script de vídeo
    palavras para memorizar

    I want out.

    I'm done. I want out.

    - It's been a very difficult day for everyone.
    - I need you to release my options,

    if they're worth anything after today.
    I want my bonus. I'm out.

    You'll get your bonus, your options,
    and keep your current base.

    But I need you to stay with me
    for the next 24 months, okay?

    Oh, come on, Sam.

    Put a smile on your face.

    You did some good today.
    You said that yourself.

    Do you know, I'm starting to feel a little better about this whole thing.

    You're one of the luckiest guys
    in the world, Sam.

    Could have been digging
    ditches all these years.

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