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Nicholas Nickleby - Save Ourselves Together (Pt)

Cena do filme Nicholas Nickleby
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    Começar a aprender

    Categoria: Movie Scenes
    script de vídeo
    palavras para memorizar

    That has been my life.

    Every good thing
    has been a trick.

    Until you.

    Yet I am afraid
    to take your hand.

    What if you cannot
    or will not save me?

    I can bear to be maltreated
    by the greedy or the weak...

    But to be let down...
    By an angel...

    I am not an angel.

    I live as far
    from that lofty perch as any man.

    My temper alone,
    my impatience, well...

    Perhaps I should not list all my
    faults, in case I am too persuasive.

    You are the one who is so
    admirably able and strong.

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