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- Why don't you let the boy defend himself? - And in the second place...
this rocket proves nothing.
You've already admitted having lost a number of your rockets.
You cannot prove conclusively that another one of them didn't start that fire.
Yes, I can.
Are we to conclude, Mr. Hickam, that since leaving school,
you've not only become an expert in rocket science,
but in the field of trigonometry?
- I didn't say that... - Obviously, you learned more...
in the coal mines than you did in high school.
Let the boy talk. Go ahead, Homer.
And that fire was near Welch, just under three miles from our launchpad.
And at the time of the fire, the best that we could do was one point two miles.
which is exactly where we found that rocket, Mr. Turner.
See, Mr. Turner, that rocket fell for about fourteen seconds,
which means that it flew to an altitude of three thousand feet
according to the equation, "S" equals one-half "A", "T" squared
where "S" is the altitude, "A" is the gravity constant thirty two
and "T" is the time it took for that rocket to come back down.
- Velocity equals... - Get him... get him.
Are you following this, Mr. Turner?
All right, we're all duly impressed.
But do you mind telling me, if you did not start that fire, who did?
What is it?
Whatever it is, it's ingenious. The fins are spring-loaded.
That isn't a rocket at all.
It's an aeronautical flare.
There's an airport here in Welch, right above where the fire started.
Mr. Hickam, report to my office as soon as we return to school.
You do intend to enter the county science fair, do you not?
Yes, sir, we do.
Well, if you intend to represent Big Creek,
you're gonna have to be enrolled as a student at Big Creek.
where - onde
welch - welch
velocity - velocidade
under - sob
turner - torneiro
trigonometry - trigonometria
whatever - tanto faz
three - três
telling - dizendo
student - aluna
spring - primavera
second - segundo
school - escola
rockets - foguetes
rocket - foguete
right - certo
report - relatório
proves - prova
prove - provar
point - ponto
represent - representar
obviously - obviamente
number - número
nothing - nada
ahead - adiante
having - tendo
conclusively - conclusivamente
himself - ele mesmo
prodigenous - prodígio
found - encontrado
enter - entrar
learned - aprendido
according - de acordo com
return - retorna
ingenious - engenhoso
already - já
thirty - trinta
science - ciência
means - significa
start - começar
equals - é igual a
cannot - não podes
following - segue
become - tornar-se
conclude - concluir
field - campo
seconds - segundos
admitted - admitiu
airport - aeroporto
exactly - exatamente
enrolled - matriculado
equation - equação
about - sobre
place - lugar, colocar
office - escritório
another - outro
started - começado
mines - minas
aeronautical - aeronáutico
altitude - altitude
squared - quadrado
county - município
which - qual
constant - constante
expert - especialista
miles - milhas
flare - flare
defend - defender
launchpad - plataforma de lançamento
creek - angra
gonna - vai
hickam -
gravity - gravidade
above - acima
loaded - carregado
since - desde a
could - poderia
homer - homer
thousand - mil
impressed - impressionado
fourteen - quatorze
intend - pretende
leaving - deixando
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