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For the
two-year-old colt class.
- Name?
- Margaret Jones.
Fine, that will be 124 then. Good luck.
Thank you.
Oh! I'm so pleased to see you.
Is Willy here?
No, he stayed on the farm.
Lots to catch up on after that winter.
Oh Maggie, you have no idea how
pleased I'm to hear that.
We don't know what to
believe these days.
They've got some of them on
the railway, see?
Just outside the depot.
Well, I feel silly saying
this now, but...
Well, someone said, one
of them was Will.
Ridiculous. I said
as much to my John.
There is no way that William Jones
would be mixed up in all that.
I don't know why they're carrying on.
You know Vera's youngest was
in that lot
they took away after
the bridge was blown.
Hung them all, they did.
Oh Maggie, it's so good to see you again.
How have you been keeping?
Oh, you know, managing.
And Ruth? Reg, and the boys?
Doing fine.
Glad to hear it.
And do come around when you're
next in town, won't you?
winter - inverno
willy - willy
william - [object Object]
these - estes
there - há
thank - obrigado
someone - alguém
silly - boba
catch - pegar
class - classe
depot - depósito
carrying - carregando
around - por aí
youngest - mais jovens
blown - soprado
after - depois de
stayed - fiquei
keeping - guardando
again - novamente
margaret - Margaret
railway - estrada de ferro
believe - acreditam
doing - fazendo
jones - jones
maggie - maggie
managing - gerenciando
mixed - misturado
bridge - ponte
outside - lado de fora
pleased - satisfeito
ridiculous - ridículo
would - seria
saying - dizendo
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