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Começar a aprender
- This is The Belly Room, and
this is where it all started.
- It's a very special place,
it's sort of a comics-only vibe.
- I think I forgot
my jokes, fuck.
- So, will they, don't worry.
- Jessie's a...
- Fucking patience.
- Let me take a shit on that paper,
so there's something funny on it.
- When a joke bombs, it's like
falling backwards through a window.
- You look like the hottest waitress
in the North Dakota Denny's.
- But when a joke kills up here
in the Belly Room, it's thunder.
Joe and my mom are both disgusting alcoholics. The only
difference is one funny thing came out of my mom.
I basically want to commit hate crimes that I get a trophy for.
What's a podcast called, WTF who
the fuck.
- There's a thing
called The Wave.
They're like a gorilla
sketch team, it's insane.
- This should be really good.
- That's the kind of theatrics one
does when they don't write jokes.
- You only roast the
ones you love, and
I mean, I don't love him.
- Can you, guys, scoot
over bro, thank you.
- Because he's Mexican,
but I, I like him.
George is no stranger
to stereotypes,
because he's stolen
Sonys, Samsungs, JVCs,
pretty much any stereotype
you can get out of a Honda.
- It's the loveliest kind of
joke, because it's personal,
because a good roast joke
requires knowing you.
- You know what Guy,
you wish you had my hair
because guys, when they ride
you, have to grab onto your neck fat.
- It works for us.
- Some of these comics have nothing to lose, and
everything to gain by killing in the roast battle.
- I like it, I like it.
where - onde
trophy - troféu
thunder - trovão
through - através
these - estes
thank - obrigado
stranger - desconhecido
stolen - roubado
stereotypes - estereótipos
started - começado
stereotype - estereótipo
special - especial
honda - honda
window - janela
belly - barriga
thing - coisa
nothing - nada
samsungs - samsungs
gorilla - gorila
personal - pessoal
podcast - Podcast
works - trabalho
mexican - mexicano
worry - preocupação
disgusting - repugnante
difference - diferença
crimes - crimes
basically - basicamente
write - escreva
forgot - esqueceu
backwards - para trás
waitress - garçonete
bombs - bombas
sketch - esboço
alcoholics - alcoolicos
comics - histórias em quadrinhos
fucking - fodendo
killing - matando
hottest - mais quente
loveliest - mais bonito
everything - tudo
dakota - dakota
because - porque
commit - cometer
place - lugar, colocar
funny - engraçado
insane - insano
falling - queda
jokes - piadas
called - chamado
kills - mata
battle - batalha
knowing - sabendo
north - norte
roast - assado
paper - papel
think - pensar
patience - paciência
theatrics - theatrics
pretty - bonita
george - george
really - realmente
requires - exige
scoot - scoot
should - devemos
something - alguma coisa
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