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Road to Roast Battle: Los Angeles - Uncensored (Pt)

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    Começar a aprender

    Categoria: Comedy
    script de vídeo
    palavras para memorizar

    - This is The Belly Room, and
    this is where it all started.

    - It's a very special place,
    it's sort of a comics-only vibe.

    - I think I forgot
    my jokes, fuck.

    - So, will they, don't worry.
    - Jessie's a...

    - Fucking patience.

    - Let me take a shit on that paper,
    so there's something funny on it.

    - When a joke bombs, it's like
    falling backwards through a window.

    - You look like the hottest waitress
    in the North Dakota Denny's.

    - But when a joke kills up here
    in the Belly Room, it's thunder.

    Joe and my mom are both disgusting alcoholics. The only
    difference is one funny thing came out of my mom.

    I basically want to commit hate crimes that I get a trophy for.

    What's a podcast called, WTF who
    the fuck.

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