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I'm invisible. I'm invisible.
Get rid of him!
Keep him busy.
What are you doing?
He wants to ask me on a date.
It's okay to be scared.
I am not scared.
I've fought werewolves and ghosts.
But in the end, I know,
we usually unmask them
and it's just a trivially little
scared man inside.
Well, it's the same with dating.
Velma, have you ever considered
that maybe werewolves and ghosts...
...are just distractions to keep you away
from what really frightens you?
Intimacy with another person.
And by intimacy, I mean someone
who thinks you're really hot.
But I'm more comfortable
in the world of logic and facts.
...I'm not hot.
Me neither.
Everybody has flaws, Velma.
The object of a healthy relationship...
...is to never let the other person
know they're there.
- To museums.
- To museums.
Daph, I really like this guy.
What would you do if someone thought...
...that you were some glamorous
and mysterious jet-setter?
I'd make myself one.
Who's your mommy?
My... my mommy?
Come on, let's solve a mystery.
- Velma, do you think of the bathroom?
- No, I can't in this outfit.
world - mundo
would - seria
mommy - mamãe
logic - lógica
intimacy - intimidade
inside - dentro
bathroom - banheiro
doing - fazendo
flaws - falhas
frightens - assusta
outfit - equipamento
unmask - desmascarar
considered - considerado
glamorous - glamoroso
object - objeto
ghosts - fantasmas
everybody - todo mundo
comfortable - confortável
never - nunca
dating - namoro
fought - lutou
someone - alguém
another - outro
healthy - saudável
distractions - distrações
thought - pensamento
myself - eu mesmo
werewolves - lobisomens
other - de outros
thinks - acha
museums - museus
relationship - relação
facts - fatos
mysterious - misterioso
person - pessoa
maybe - talvez
mystery - mistério
neither - nem
invisible - invisível
scared - assustada
really - realmente
solve - resolver
setter - setter
there - há
wants - quer
think - pensar
little - pequeno
usually - geralmente
trivially - trivialmente
velma - veludo
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