Aprenda inglês de verdade com filmes e livros.

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Como se pronúncia our


Exemplos de filmes com Our

Uh, we just found out our flight was canceled.
Ocean's 8 - Con Artistry
we were hoping that maybe we could get our original room back?
Ocean's 8 - Con Artistry
Our other new student is Mr. Rocky Dennis,
Mask - First Day of School
Why would a plane crash be our fault?
Project Almanac - Timequake
Our captain, Justin Kelly, he broke his leg...
Project Almanac - Timequake
our last collaboration ended rather messily.
Red Dragon - Hannibal Lecter Meeting
You must be pretty darn proud of our little Caroline, huh?
Mr. Mom - The Company Party
Besides, who would be our Rodrigo?
Little Women - A New Player
of a new member to our theatrical society.
Little Women - A New Player
He'll laugh at our acting, and poke fun at us later.
Little Women - A New Player
we don't guard our conduct in the same way.
Little Women - A New Player
We bare our souls and tell the most appalling secrets.
Little Women - A New Player
I shall provide... a post office in our hedge...
Little Women - A New Player
...to further encourage the baring of our souls...
Little Women - A New Player
...and the telling of our most appalling secrets.
Little Women - A New Player
And so Laurie was admitted as an equal into our society...
Little Women - A New Player
...of having a real brother of our very own.
Little Women - A New Player
who have been closest to our departed sister.
A Simple Favor - Emily Is Dead

Pronúncia de áudio de Our

Pronúncia americana

Our pronunciado por Ivy (criança, garota)
Our pronunciado por Joanna (feminino)
Our pronunciado por Kendra (feminino)
Our pronunciado por Kimberly (feminino)
Our pronunciado por Salli (feminino)
Our pronunciado por Joey (masculino)
Our pronunciado por Justin (criança, garoto)
Our pronunciado por Matthew (masculino)

Pronúncia britânica

Our pronunciado por Amy (feminino)
Our pronunciado por Emma (feminino)
Our pronunciado por Brian (masculino)

Palavras similares a Our