Aprenda inglês de verdade com filmes e livros.

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Como se pronúncia ve


Exemplos de filmes com Ve

You've been trying to lay that crap on me ever since we moved out here.
Revolutionary Road - You're Sick!
Just because you've got me safely in this little trap,
Revolutionary Road - You're Sick!
You'll be doing what you should've been allowed to do seven years ago.
Revolutionary Road - Paris!
Look at us. We've bought into the same ridiculous delusion.
Revolutionary Road - Paris!
And we've been punishing each other for it.
Revolutionary Road - Paris!
I've never seen a painting that captures the beauty of the ocean...
Wall Street - Money Never Sleeps
trustworthy person I've ever met. You're gonna do great.
Iron Man - Is It Safe?
Take 20 minutes. I've been pepper-sprayed nine times.
Next Friday - Auntie Suga
All right. I'm glad to see you've got a little bit of spark in you.
Bridesmaids - Pity Party
You've got to wash that hair.
Bridesmaids - Pity Party
You are Kareem. I've seen you play. My dad's got season tickets.
Airplane! - Have You Ever Seen a Grown Man Naked?
I was gonna steal one, but now I've changed my mind.
Notting Hill - Can I Have Your Autograph?
There, there. You've got to be a brave boy now.
Babe - Babe's New Beginning
You've chosen 216 and you'll find it everywhere in nature.
Pi - Go Board
But you've been doing that every day for almost 40 years, Sam.
Margin Call - It's Just Money
Okay, yeah, I... I've got an apology.
Mean Girls - Regina Meets Bus
I guess it's probably because I've got a big lesbian crush on you.
Mean Girls - Regina Meets Bus
Did anyone ever tell you you've very sensual lips?
Match Point - An Aggressive Game
Which is saying something, because I've slimmed down quite a bit.
Horton Hears a Who! - I'm Holding the Speck
And we've got entirely too many troublemakers here.
Road House - Three Simple Rules
Well, yes. We've tried to rent it out...
Scary Movie 2 - The Caretaker
you could've got for $1.50 in late charges at the public library.
Good Will Hunting - My Boy's Wicked Smart

Pronúncia de áudio de Ve

Pronúncia americana

Ve pronunciado por Ivy (criança, garota)
Ve pronunciado por Joanna (feminino)
Ve pronunciado por Kendra (feminino)
Ve pronunciado por Kimberly (feminino)
Ve pronunciado por Salli (feminino)
Ve pronunciado por Joey (masculino)
Ve pronunciado por Justin (criança, garoto)
Ve pronunciado por Matthew (masculino)

Pronúncia britânica

Ve pronunciado por Amy (feminino)
Ve pronunciado por Emma (feminino)
Ve pronunciado por Brian (masculino)