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Annie, this is Becca, my friend from work.
We are in the trenches together.
Hi, how are you?
Nice to meet you.
This is my husband, Kevin.
- Hi.
- "Husband."
I like to say it. We are newlyweds.
- Congratulations.
- Thank you so much.
We went on a sweetheart honeymoon.
- Where did you guys go?
- Disney World.
We finish each other's sentences. Sorry.
Sorry. Is this your husband?
No, no, no, no, no. I don't know him.
I'm sorry.
- Do you want to go for a walk later?
- Oh, I can't.
- All right.
- I can't. I'm sorry.
I'm so sorry.
I'm not with anybody. I'm here solo.
Let's start it again.
I'm... I'm Becca.
This is my husband. You
don't have a husband.
And this is Dougie's sister, Megan.
- Hey.
- Hi.
My grandma is not supposed to
have wine. I... I'll be right back.
- Hey.
- How is it going?
It's going great. It's going great.
I'm on the mend.
You know, I just got some pins in my legs.
Believe it or not, pins in my legs,
I can still do this. Right?
- I fell off a cruise ship, but I'm back.
- Oh, shit.
Yeah, "Oh, shit."
Yeah, "Oh, shit."
Took a hard, hard, violent fall.
Kind of pin balled down.
Hit a lot of railings, broke a lot of shit.
I'm not going to say I survived,
I'm going to say I thrived.
I met a dolphin down there.
And I swear to God, that
dolphin looked not at me,
but into my soul.
Into my goddamn soul, Annie.
And said, "I'm saving you, Megan."
Not with his mouth, but he said
it, I'm assuming, telepathically.
We had a connection that I don't
even know if I can ex... Oh, Jesus.
Hey, shut my mouth. Look at...
You must be Annie's fella.
I'm Megan. It's a pleasure.
He's not... I'm not... He's not...
I'm not with him.
Oh. All right.
I'm glad he's single, because I'm
going to climb that like a tree.
Okay. You have to meet Helen.
There she is. Helen.
Come here!
Helen, this is Annie.
There she is. Maid of honor.
So lovely to meet Lillian's
childhood friend.
You are so pretty.
You are so cute! Oh, you are so sweet.
world - мир
where - где
violent - насильственный
trenches - траншеи
together - вместе
there - там
sweetheart - возлюбленная
sweet - милая
survived - переживший
supposed - предполагаемый
friend - друг
fella - парень
dolphin - дельфин
grandma - бабушка
goddamn - проклятие
sister - сестра
cruise - круиз
balled - сжались
pleasure - удовольствие
connection - соединение
going - собирается
climb - восхождение
assuming - при условии,
anybody - кто-нибудь
congratulations - поздравления
annie - Энни
start - начало
again - еще раз
still - все еще
because - потому как
telepathically - телепатически
becca - Бекка
disney - дисней
finish - конец
mouth - рот
childhood - детство
thrived - процветали
husband - муж
believe - верить
broke - сломал
right - правильно
honeymoon - медовый месяц
unbelievable - невероятно
honor - честь
kevin - Кевин
jesus - Иисус
swear - клянусь
sentences - предложения
sorry - прости
later - позже
looked - смотрел
helen - Хелен
pretty - симпатичная
great - великий
lovely - прекрасный
thank - спасибо
megan - меган
newlyweds - молодожены
railings - дуги
saving - экономия
single - один
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