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Why on your knees before
this Hebrew, Autolochus?
I encountered him before, Gracchus.
Beside the well of Jehosaphat.
And what manner of man.
He's a priest of the Israelites,
despised even by the other priests.
On yesterday's march,
punished by the dust of the road,
I sought to drink first at the well,
before the slaves in my charge,
whose thirst was far
greater than my own.
A Roman drinks before a slave.
This man was giving water to all.
He saw no Roman, he saw no slave.
He saw only men, weak men,
and gave succor.
He saw suffering, which
he sought to ease.
He saw sin, and gave love.
Love, Autolochus?
He saw my own sin, Gracchus, and greed.
But in his eyes, I saw
no shadow of reproach.
I saw only light.
The light of God.
You mean, of the gods.
I do not, friend Gracchus.
This Hebrew is a son of the one God.
The God of this far-flung tribe.
And why shouldn't
God's anointed appear here
among these strange people,
to shoulder their sins?
Here, Gracchus, in this sun-drenched land.
Why should He not take this form,
the form of an ordinary man?
A man bringing us not the old truths,
but a new one.
A new truth?
A truth beyond the truth
that we can see.
A truth beyond this world.
A truth told not in words, but in light.
A truth that we could see if we had but...
If we had but...
Cut! Cut! "Faith! Have but faith!"
"Faith. Faith!" God damn it!
- Go one again.
- Isn't it...
They changed it.
You got most of it, man. You're all right.
All right, hang on.
Can I get a pat down?
I'm sweating like a pig in this thing.
Son of a bitch!
words - слова
which - который
water - воды
tribe - племя
their - их
thing - вещь
sweating - потение
suffering - страдающий
succor - помогать
truths - истины
strange - странный
slaves - рабы
friend - друг
faith - вера
drinks - напитки
whose - чья
encountered - встречается
right - правильно
shadow - тень
world - мир
drink - напиток
first - первый
sought - искать
despised - презираемый
could - мог
people - люди
drenched - промокший
changed - изменено
reproach - упрекать
truth - правда
charge - заряд
ordinary - обычный
flung - разветвленная
before - до
greed - жадность
thirst - жажда
bringing - приведение
greater - большая
march - март
these - эти
anointed - помазанник
roman - римский
beyond - за
among - среди
again - еще раз
autolochus - autolochus
beside - рядом
gracchus - гракх
bitch - сука
israelites - израильтянам
jehosaphat - иосафата
knees - Колени
light - легкий
manner - манера
appear - появиться
hebrew - иврит
other - другие
priest - священник
punished - наказали
giving - дающий
priests - священники
should - должен
shoulder - плечо
slave - рабыня
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