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I slept at the doctor's place last night.
Oh my God, 'cause you were, like, blackout drunk?
No. That's the thing. I... I was dead sober.
I had two drinks. Three, max.
Four, now that I'm tallying. But it was like-- I was sober.
So you barely drank?
'Cause you're on antibiotics or something?
No. I spent the night on purpose.
- I don't understand. - I don't understand.
When you think about the sex, are you just kinda like--
No. I'm like--
So, you're like--
No, that's not what I'm doing.
Oh, my God! He's calling.
Why would he call? You guys just had sex.
It's probably a mistake. It's a mistake.
- He's butt-dialing you. - Hello.
Oh. Hey, there. It's... It's Aaron.
Oh. This is Amy.
I think you butt-dialed me.
No. No, I... I dialed you with my fingers.
- What's she saying? What did she say? - Shh!
- He called me on purpose. - Hang up.
He's obviously, like, sick or something, so he's....
Yeah, what's up?
I was calling to say I had a really good time last night.
I was wondering if you wanted to hang out again.
Will you say that again, please?
I was wondering if I could see you again.
You know what? I'm gonna call the police
Hold on, hold on.
Uh, yeah, I'll just talk to you about it tomorrow at the interview.
- Okay? - Oh, yes!
She said yes! She said yes!
All right. All right, I'll talk to you then.
- Whoa, man! - Huh?
That... That's pretty cool, man.
I didn't get to hear the whole conversation though.
We're gonna talk about it when we see each other tomorrow.
- Oh, that's great, man. - Yeah, she's got a sexy voice.
Did you guys make love?
- My boy got intimate. - Yes.
Sexual intercourse!
would - бы
wondering - интересно
whole - все
voice - голос
understand - понимаю
tomorrow - завтра
three - три
interview - интервью
intercourse - общение
fingers - пальцы
hello - здравствуйте
drunk - пьяный
doing - дела
great - великий
dialing - набор номера
wanted - разыскивается
dialed - набранный
gonna - собирается
antibiotics - антибиотики
called - называется
again - еще раз
drank - пил
saying - поговорка
drinks - напитки
barely - едва
right - правильно
conversation - разговор
something - что нибудь
think - думать
blackout - затемнение
obviously - очевидно
could - мог
intimate - интимный
kinda - вроде
about - около
other - другие
mistake - ошибка
night - ночь
aaron - Аарон
place - место
please - пожалуйста
though - хоть
police - полиция
pretty - симпатичная
calling - призвание
spent - потраченный
purpose - цель
probably - вероятно
really - действительно
sexual - половой
slept - спала
there - там
sober - трезвый
tallying - подведение
thing - вещь
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