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I wish you
could really talk to me.
Because then, we could be best
friends forever and ever.
Now, if there's one
thing you can be sure of,
it's that nothing is more
powerful than a young boy's wish.
Except an Apache helicopter.
An Apache helicopter has
machine guns and missiles.
It is an unbelievably impressive
complement of weaponry,
an absolute death machine.
Well, as it turned out, John picked
the perfect night to make a wish.
Hug me.
You're my best friend, John.
Did you...
Did you just talk?
Don't look so surprised.
You're the one who wished
for it, aren't you?
I did wish for it.
Well, here I am.
You mean, we get to be
best friends for real?
For real.
- Forever and ever?
- Sounds good to me.
John was just about
the happiest boy in the world
and he couldn't wait to tell
everyone the good news.
Mom, Dad, guess what?
My teddy bear's alive!
Really? Well, isn't
that exciting.
No, Mom, he's really alive.
Merry Christmas,
Jesus H. Fuck!
- Let's all be best friends.
- Oh, my God!
John, get away from that thing.
Get over here right now.
- But, Dad...
- Get over here!
Listen to your father!
Come here!
- Helen, get my gun.
- Dad, no!
Is it a hugging gun?
Helen, get my gun,
and call the police!
I'm sorry, Mr. Bennett, I
didn't mean to scare anybody.
I just wanted John
and I to be friends.
Yeah, Dad, I made a wish last
night that Teddy was alive
my wish came true.
Oh, my God!
It's a miracle.
It's a Christmas miracle.
You're just like
the Baby Jesus.
young - молодой
world - мир
wished - пожелал
wanted - разыскивается
helen - Хелен
happiest - самый счастливый
friend - друг
father - отец
exciting - захватывающе
death - смерть
weaponry - оружие
anybody - кто-нибудь
unbelievably - невероятно
alive - в живых
except - кроме
bennett - Беннетт
because - потому как
everybody - все
machine - машина
about - около
absolute - абсолютный
guess - угадай
forever - навсегда
nothing - ничего
thing - вещь
sounds - звуки
christmas - [object Object]
police - полиция
could - мог
helicopter - вертолет
impressive - впечатляющий
night - ночь
hugging - в обнимку
friends - друзья
jesus - Иисус
complement - дополнение
merry - веселый
teddy - Тедди
listen - слушать
miracle - чудо
sorry - прости
apache - апаш
perfect - идеально
missiles - ракеты
surprised - удивленный
picked - выбрал
powerful - мощный
everyone - все
really - действительно
right - правильно
scare - попугать
turned - оказалось
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