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Dear reader,
what you now hold in your hands
is the culmination of a life's work.
And you will soon see, as I have,
that there are fantastical creatures
living among us,
hidden through mimicry and magic.
This book will give you
the tools and techniques
needed to lift the veil
and see the unseen.
Once you have this sight,
you will never see things
the same way again
But be forewarned,
The secrets you are about to learn
have been kept hidden for ages,
secrets that many of this realm
would prefer to stay hidden.
The creatures you will meet
are truly a sight to behold,
and most of them do not
like being observed.
But, over time,
I have garnered their trust.
Some, I am quite happy to report,
I now call friend.
But a rare few are, quite frankly,
to be feared.
The darker forces of this realm
all live in service of one creature,
the ogre, Mulgarath.
The secrets herein are powerful,
more powerful than even I was aware.
Never before has knowledge
of the fantastical realm
been assembled in one tome.
And so I implore you, dear reader,
to use this information wisely,
for the ogre, Mulgarath, seeks this
knowledge with relentless persistence.
If he were to obtain the information
in these pages,
I can assure you his intentions
would be of the vilest sort.
He assumes many forms,
and so you must constantly
be on guard.
I deeply fear that the more I learn,
the more I place everyone around me
in grave danger.
So, reader, beware.
I beseech you, beware.
- Hold still.
- Please, Mom, just cut it! Cut it!
Just cut me out! Cut it out!
Please, just get a scissors!
- What happened?
- He ruined my hair! Get him out!
Jared, you've gone way too far this time.
truly - действительно
tools - инструменты
through - через
wisely - мудро
still - все еще
sight - взгляд
secrets - секреты
there - там
scissors - ножницы
techniques - методы
realm - область
unseen - невидимый
report - доклад
quite - довольно
prefer - предпочитать
trust - доверять
powerful - мощный
service - оказание услуг
please - пожалуйста
place - место
persistence - упорство
pages - страницы
ruined - разрушенный
observed - наблюдаемый
never - никогда
needed - необходимый
everyone - все
danger - опасность
obtain - получать
deeply - глубоко
creature - существо
assumes - предполагает
would - бы
mimicry - мимикрия
constantly - постоянно
hands - руки
reader - читатель
darker - темнее
things - вещи
beware - остерегаться
being - являющийся
friend - друг
around - вокруг
beseech - умолять
fantastical - фантастический
intentions - намерения
among - среди
again - еще раз
assembled - собранный
assure - уверять
learn - учить
before - до
magic - магия
frankly - откровенно
behold - вот
feared - боялись
creatures - существа
forces - сил
living - живой
seeks - стремится
forewarned - предупрежден
vilest - гнусное
forms - формы
their - их
garnered - получил
these - эти
grave - могила
relentless - неослабевающий
culmination - кульминация
guard - охрана
aware - знать
happened - получилось
happy - счастливый
herein - здесь
hidden - скрытый
implore - умолять
about - около
information - информация
jared - jared
knowledge - знание
mulgarath - mulgarath
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