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Let me get you
some help, Truman.
You're not well.
Why do you want to
have a baby with me?
You can't stand me.
That's not true.
Why don't you let me fix you
some of this new mococoa drink?
All natural cocoa beans from the
upper slopes of mt. Nicaragua.
No artificial sweeteners.
What the hell
are you talkin' about?
Who are you talkin' to?
I've tasted other cocoas.
This is the best.
What the hell does this have to do
with anything?
Tell me
what's happening!
Well, you're having a nervous breakdown,
that's what's happening.
You're part of this,
aren't you?
- Truman.
- Meryl!
You are scaring me.
No. You're scaring me, meryl.
What are you going to do?
Dice me?
Slice me and peel me?
There are
so many choices!
Do something!
What? What did you say?
- Who were you talking to?
- Nothing. I didn't say anything.
I didn't say anything.
No, I didn't.
I wasn't talking to anybody.
Talk to me!
Stay where you are.
Oh, thank god!
How can anyone
expect me
To carry on
under these conditions?
It's unprofessional.
where - где
upper - верхний
truman - Трумэн
there - там
tasted - вкус
talking - говорящий
sweeteners - подсластители
stand - стоять
something - что нибудь
slopes - откосы
scaring - пугающий
other - другие
nothing - ничего
natural - натуральный
unprofessional - непрофессиональный
nervous - нервное
choices - выбор
carry - нести
anybody - кто-нибудь
cocoa - какао
mococoa - mococoa
breakdown - сломать
beans - фасоль
cocoas - сорта какао
under - под
going - собирается
slice - кусочек
artificial - искусственный
these - эти
nicaragua - Никарагуа
about - около
anything - что-нибудь
conditions - условия
having - имеющий
happening - происходит
drink - напиток
thank - спасибо
anyone - кто угодно
expect - ожидать
meryl - Мерил
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