Spunky don't like her uniform
It never fit so good
Goin' back to the orphanage
And the place where her garage once stood
Well it's a free for all, free for all, free for all
It's a free for all, you and me
And if you don't like what they're telling you
You can't teach a blind man to see
Well I can see
Spunky looks good in her bright red wig
wonder - merak etmek
where - nerede
violent - şiddetli
uniform - üniforma
world - Dünya
turning - döndürme
teach - öğretmek
eating - yemek yiyor
really - gerçekten mi
named - adlı
garage - garaj
cream - krem
looks - görünüyor
ready - hazır
telling - söylüyorum
chocolate - çikolata
orphanage - yetimhane
etched - kazınmış
through - vasitasiyla
knees - dizler
balled - balled
tongue - dil
bright - parlak
blind - kör
asleep - uykuda
knows - bilir
little - küçük
never - asla
picture - resim
stood - durdu
place - yer
screen - ekran
spunky - cesur
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