Can't Make a Sound

Elliott Smith

I have become a silent movie

The hero killed the clown

Can't make a sound, can't make a sound

Can't make a sound

Nobody knows what he's doing

Still hanging around

Can't make a sound, can't make a sound

Can't make a sound

world - Dünya
within - içinde
thing - şey
still - yine
smith - demirci
standing - ayakta
silent - Sessiz
shining - parlıyor
hanging - asılı
spinning - döndürme
other - diğer
found - bulunan
clown - palyaço
elliott - elliott
should - meli
every - proszę uważać
locked - kilitli
doing - iş
around - etrafında
become - olmak
bored - canı sıkkın
means - anlamına geliyor
happening - olay
knows - bilir
sound - ses
ghost - hayalet
monologue - monolog
killed - öldürdü
motion - Hareket
movie - film
moves - hamle
nobody - kimse
nothing - hiçbir şey değil

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