The grass was as green as it always was that sinister day

The Blackbird sang their songs as they always did that black-letter day

The day we passed the great gate for the very last time

I did not look back, I knew we'd stay

I knew they I would not let us go leave the death strip

I saw the gleam in their eyes of fear and enslavement

Suffering from the crushing weight

Beloveth ground take me home

Alesia, Alisanos

Wake me when I'm gone

Ianotouta, eternity

Proclaim our barren sacrifice

weight - ağırlık
walked - yürüdü
trailed - izledi
their - onların
tears - gözyaşı
songs - şarkılar
sacrifice - kurban
proclaim - ilan etmek
times - zamanlar
passed - geçti
outside - dışında
offered - sunulan
letter - mektup
cries - çığlıkları
embraced - kucakladı
black - siyah
living - yaşam
alleys - sokaklar
blackbird - karatavuk
barren - çorak
strip - şerit
leave - ayrılmak
alesia - alesia
thousand - bin
before - önce
doors - kapılar
where - nerede
cherished - aziz
always - Her zaman
death - ölüm
deathly - öldürücü
would - olur
sinister - uğursuz
grass - çimen
crushing - ezme
enslavement - köleleştirme
gleam - parıltı
yielded - vermiştir
eternity - sonsuzluk
suffering - çile
ground - Zemin
great - harika
green - yeşil

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