On a winter's night, stars are cold and bright in the sky,

The slumber of the earth is pure and deep

From a distant wood, drifts the echo of a beast

The old man stirs and wakens in the night

He stands before his window gazing at the grave

Forgotten dreams are flashing through his weary mind

And though his life is empty, he pretends that she's still there

With hunger in his soul, he yearns for life and love gone by,

With memories his one and only joy

All he has to give, he would give to bring back the life,

And raise the one who lies beneath the snow

window - pencere
weary - yorgun
wakens - wakens
waiting - bekleme
turned - dönük
their - onların
stood - durdu
stolen - çalıntı
stirs - kımıldatmakta
still - yine
spoken - konuşulmuş
faded - solmuş
filled - dolu
stands - standları
faces - yüzleri
youth - gençlik
lights - ışıklar
empty - Boş
arose - ortaya çıkan
earth - toprak
disappeared - kayboldu
heart - kalp
thought - düşünce
distant - uzak
through - vasitasiyla
dreams - rüyalar
bring - getirmek
found - bulunan
apparition - hayalet
another - bir diğeri
yearns - can atar
though - gerçi
beast - canavar
began - başladı
alone - yalnız
light - ışık
soothe - yatıştırmak
beneath - altında
would - olur
drifts - sürükleniyor
bright - parlak
hunger - açlık
forgotten - unutulmuş
flashing - yanıp sönen
reached - ulaştı
gazing - bakan
heard - duymuş
before - önce
pretends - yerindeymiş gibi
raise - yükseltmek
image - görüntü
lightened - aydınlatıldı
looks - görünüyor
memories - hatıralar
stars - yıldızlar
never - asla
night - gece
faced - yüzlü
slumber - uyuklama
first - ilk
peaceful - huzurlu
pictures - resimler
presence - varlık
grave - mezar
shone - parlamadı
there - Orada
someday - birgün

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