Shadows fall

Through the darkness we reach

As the hunger calls

Then you run

To the passion that takes you over

No lookin' back

The chance will never come again

You risk it all

For your dream

Won't let you go

When you feel the hunger

Drivin' you on

To your one desire

Alone through an endless night

And the needs never satisfied

wonder - merak etmek
takes - alır
survive - hayatta kalmak
surrendering - teslim olur
strong - Güçlü
shadows - gölgeler
separate - ayrı
satisfied - memnun
restless - huzursuz
reach - ulaşmak
passion - tutku
desire - arzu etmek
tears - gözyaşı
primitive - ilkel
darkness - karanlık
calls - aramalar
heart - kalp
change - değişiklik
hunger - açlık
these - bunlar
never - asla
chance - şans
endless - sonsuz
still - yine
again - Tekrar
alone - yalnız
needs - ihtiyaçlar
beast - canavar
breed - doğurmak
night - gece
makes - markaları
blame - suçlama
slave - köle
river - Nehir
dream - rüya
emptiness - boşluk
enough - yeterli
through - vasitasiyla
nature - doğa
lives - hayatları
looking - seyir

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