It ain't hard to tell, I excel, then prevail

The mic is contacted, I attract clientele

My mic check is life or death, breathin a sniper's breath

I exhale the yellow smoke of buddha through righteous steps

Deep like The Shinin', sparkle like a diamond

Sneak a uzi on the island in my army jacket linin

Hit the Earth like a comet, invasion

Nas is like the Afrocentric Asian, half-man, half-amazin

Cause in my physical, I can express through song

Delete stress like Motrin, then extend strong

I drank Moet with Medusa, give her shotguns in hell

From the spliff that I lift and inhale, it ain't hard to tell

The buddha monk's in your trunk, turn the bass up

Not stories by Aesop, place your loot up, parties I shoot up

Nas, I analyze, drop a jew-el, inhale from the L

yellow - sarı
while - süre
vocabulary - kelime hazinesi
holds - tutar
again - Tekrar
locked - kilitli
extend - uzatmak
express - ekspres
earth - toprak
frame - çerçeve
stimulated - uyarılmış
dominate - hükmetmek
diamond - elmas
disciple - mürit
physical - fiziksel
breath - nefes
brain - Beyin
surprise - Sürpriz
invasion - istila
beats - atım
excel - excel
givin - givin
prevail - hakim
begin - başla
frozen - dondurulmuş
braille - körler alfabesi
cause - sebeb olmak
righteous - doğru
drank - içti
school - okul
shoot - ateş etme
criminal - adli
violin - keman
attract - çekmek
skill - beceri
sparkle - pırıltı
analyze - çözümlemek
groovy - harika
inhale - solumak
exhale - nefes vermek
check - kontrol
island - ada
through - vasitasiyla
chosen - seçilmiş
eavesdrop - gizlice dinlemek
stories - hikayeleri
grapefruit - greyfurt
smoother - pürüzsüz
buddha - Buda
strong - Güçlü
shotguns - av tüfeği
comet - kuyrukluyıldız
packin - packin
asian - asya
delete - silmek
cobra - kobra
freak - anormal
correct - Doğru
stress - stres
glocks - glocks
breathin - nefes alma
leave - ayrılmak
sabotage - sabotaj
leakin - akacak
clientele - müşteriler
stone - taş
froze - dondu
trunk - gövde
leviathan - dev gemi
parties - partiler
matic - matik
spills - sızıntıları
medusa - medusa
motrin - motrin
moves - hamle
never - asla
troop - birlik
death - ölüm
place - yer
should - meli
villanova - villanova
contacted - temas
slang - argo
jacket - ceket
break - kırılma
smoke - duman
sneak - gizlice
soldier - asker
speak - konuşmak
wisdom - bilgelik
squeeze - sıkmak
techniques - teknikleri
explosion - patlama
loops - döngüler
spliff - spliff
cycles - döngüleri
steps - adımlar
still - yine
though - gerçi
trifle - pandispanyalı tatlı

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