Sick of trying to find a way inside

Sick and tired of all the after

Sick of trying ot find a way to slide

Even though it always ends in laughter

Its never hard to tell when things are done

She looked into my eyes and a voice said run!

She says that I'm a mess but its alright

Whether it's two weeks, two years or just tonight

You can occupy my every sigh,

You can rent a space inside my mind

At least until the price becomes too high

years - Yıl
whether - olup olmadığını
trying - çalışıyor
voice - Ses
though - gerçi
things - eşyalar
tonight - Bu gece
thing - şey
tells - anlatır
through - vasitasiyla
style - stil
space - uzay
slide - kaymak
right - Sağ
smile - gülümseme
inside - içeride
after - sonra
alright - peki
beginning - başlangıç
friends - arkadaşlar
always - Her zaman
weeks - haftalar
becomes - olur
least - en az
until - a kadar
saving - tasarruf
around - etrafında
tired - yorgun
looked - baktı
laughter - kahkaha
pretty - güzel
never - asla
should - meli
excuses - bahane
every - proszę uważać
nights - gece
fault - hata
little - küçük
occupy - işgal etmek
flags - bayraklar
price - fiyat
reason - neden

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