I've been down, this road before,

I don't think I'm comin' back this way for more,

It won't be long - And I'll be gone, out your door,

You can say, the words you will,

I'd be six feet under ground if looks could kill,

But you don't care, that I've been run, through the mill...

world - Dünya
words - kelimeler
enough - yeterli
misery - sefalet
could - could
ground - Zemin
alone - yalnız
think - düşünmek
comes - geliyor
maybe - olabilir
never - asla
about - hakkında
around - etrafında
before - önce
chorus - koro
learn - öğrenmek
company - Şirket
waiting - bekleme
looks - görünüyor
loves - sever
promise - söz vermek
shove - kıpırdamak
through - vasitasiyla
under - altında

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