Catching your bright blue eyes in the freeze frame

I've seen them so many times

I feel like I must be your best friend

You're looking fine, so fine, oh my

Dressed up like a lovely day

Babyface, babyface

Slow down child, let me untie your lace

Babyface, babyface

Cover girl with natural grace

How could beauty be so kind to an ordinary guy

Coming home late at night to turn you on

Checking out every frame

turning - döndürme
taste - damak zevki
unpack - açmak
sound - ses
place - yer
tinfoil - aliminyum folyo
ordinary - sıradan
natural - doğal
motion - Hareket
child - çocuk
times - zamanlar
control - kontrol
night - gece
checking - kontrol etme
frame - çerçeve
coming - gelecek
untie - çözmek
beauty - güzellik
freeze - donmak
under - altında
going - gidiş
bright - parlak
catching - bulaşıcı
around - etrafında
babyface - bebek yüzlü
lovely - güzel
bittersweet - acı tatlı
cover - kapak
round - yuvarlak
colour - renk
looking - seyir
could - could
dressed - giyinmiş
friend - arkadaş
every - proszę uważać
everywhere - her yerde
grace - zarafet

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