Before I say goodbye
I'd like to say good day
And I hope you say "good buy"
When they ask was it worth for you to pay
For my music, for pressin' play
For all the stress that went into my songs
My love and hate
The most honest I could be with you to date
Is to say thank thank you Shady
For lettin' me be me with no holds barred
Thank you for the chance to enhance this old car
This old jar of moonshine is but
Two fine lines on a blank sheet but so far
These two lines point directed to my home on the mothership sonar
Valet UFOs, I go park
The dirty south needs a soap bar
In the mouth of these MCs but
But who am I to judge on what they love?
I guess they enjoy being broke and co-stars
And I'm soakin' so hard
From the sweat that I could take my clothes off
I done fucked and raped the whole yard
Should sit back and shake the gold off
But I'm already gone
worth - değer
wives - eşleri
violence - şiddet
trailer - tanıtım videosu
toned - tonlu
think - düşünmek
teller - veznedar
stress - stres
stars - yıldızlar
sonar - sonar
sheet - tabaka
shady - gölgeli
school - okul
reflect - yansıtmak
raped - tecavüz
valet - uşak
piece - parça
phone - telefon
place - yer
outta - outta
mouth - ağız
mothership - ana gemi
thank - teşekkür
money - para
popped - attı
dream - rüya
dirty - kirli
wonder - merak etmek
daddy - baba
clean - temiz
could - could
albums - albüm
moonshine - kaçak içki
little - küçük
lowriders - lowriders
already - zaten
these - bunlar
directed - yönlendirilmiş
other - diğer
about - hakkında
whole - bütün
goodbye - güle güle
shining - parlıyor
american - Amerikan
letters - harfler
speak - konuşmak
songs - şarkılar
cribs - beşikler
might - belki
barred - parmaklıklı
taught - öğretilen
chance - şans
before - önce
beams - kirişler
times - zamanlar
dropped - düştü
dixie - karavana
broke - kırdı
calzone - calzone
being - olmak
seedless - çekirdeksiz
clothes - çamaşırlar
grown - yetişkin
reason - neden
lettuce - marul
blank - boş
postcard - kartpostal
boxes - kutuları
should - meli
music - müzik
enhance - artırmak
three - üç
single - Tek
enjoy - keyfini çıkarın
leave - ayrılmak
south - güney
lines - hatlar
envelope - zarf
needs - ihtiyaçlar
front - Ön
vision - vizyon
green - yeşil
guess - tahmin
sweat - ter
glock - glock
point - puan
holds - tutar
happy - mutlu
heard - duymuş
under - altında
honest - Dürüst
shake - sallamak
judge - hakim
fucked - becerdin
light - ışık
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