They said the sky is the limit
Well I guess it all depends on you
And your views
In this American dream
Don't tell me that the sky is the limit
Cause it ain't about what you can do
It's a who knows who
In this American dream
Okay you got criminals everywhere, right?
Criminals smugglin' dope across borders to feed America's high appetite
Kis, pounds, ounces, grams, whatever the weight of substance is gettin' sold
Cause drugs got a price
Home hydroponics, LSD chemist
Spoon cookin' heroine, junkies fill up methadone clinics
Get caught for crack and catch a long sentence
You ask me how I feel about that, maybe you got the wrong witness
I heard Jay Z's cool with Obama
Obama must be cool with me then I guess if I'm packin' up this Honda
I highly doubt it but fuck it, it's worth a shout out
At least that's what I tell the judge before I gracefully bowed out
Meanwhile I'm gettin' taken to the county for a seed
There's a news flash on the holdin' cell TV
Boston bombed by a terrorist at a marathon
8 year old killed and the killer's still free
yours - seninki
would - olur
worth - değer
whens - whens
whatever - her neyse
views - görünümler
white - beyaz
value - değer
vatican - Vatikan
ultimately - en sonunda
truth - hakikat
taken - alınmış
store - mağaza
still - yine
smoke - duman
skillet - tava
shook - salladı
shire - yönetim bölgesi
spoon - kaşık
share - pay
savvy - anlayış
right - Sağ
retired - emekli
wrong - Yanlış
substance - madde
reminisce - anmak
remember - hatırlamak
sentence - cümle
record - kayıt
while - süre
raised - kalkık
drugs - ilaçlar
dreams - rüyalar
moonshine - kaçak içki
today - bugün
doubt - şüphe
criminals - suçlular
witness - Tanık
obama - obama
create - yaratmak
trust - güven
these - bunlar
lines - hatlar
sipped - yudumladı
davidson - davidson
across - karşısında
dream - rüya
corners - köşeleri
bills - fatura
killed - öldürdü
music - müzik
average - ortalama
flash - flaş
justin - justin
judge - hakim
bowed - eğildi
chair - sandalye
politically - politik olarak
quarters - kışla
appetite - iştah
catch - yakalamak
preach - vaaz vermek
about - hakkında
black - siyah
signed - imzalı
booked - ayrılmış
cause - sebeb olmak
homemade - ev yapımı
writes - yazıyor
crime - suç
citizen - vatandaş
apply - uygulamak
police - Polis
bombed - bombalanmış
allowed - izin
fought - kavga etti
believe - inanmak
cancer - kanser
could - could
borders - sınırlar
cried - ağladım
before - önce
boston - boston
where - nerede
great - harika
crops - bitkileri
hospital - hastane
bucket - kova
chemist - kimyager
shout - bağırmak
american - Amerikan
casket - tabut
stick - çubuk
crook - dolandırıcı
everywhere - her yerde
heritage - miras
grams - gram
worked - işlenmiş
least - en az
grandparents - dedesi
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